Packaging Solutions by:
With over 1300 machines installed worldwide and 45 years of expertise, we are a major stakeholder in the shrink sleeve industry. The Sleever Group's mastery of the entire process has allowed us to offer expertise and optimal implementation.  Our manufacturing plants and expert centers on five continents make customer service key to our success: We think global, we act local.


The daily use of cleaning and hygiene products involves packaging with ergonomic shapes, which are sometimes complex, and eco-design has become a pre-requisite.


Strengthen brand identity and build consumer loyalty

The shrink-sleeve label reinforces the visibility and image of home care and hygiene brands by its ability to fit even the most complex shapes such as bottles with handles or guns. Imagine an impactful decoration and personalize the multiple references of your ranges by using the whole surface of your packaging: this is the added value of the shrink-sleeve!

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Boost your sales with impactful promotions

A key factor in the animation of ranges, the shrink-sleeve label is the ideal support for promotional operations, particularly in batches, and provides an appropriate response to the late differentiation of your product lines. It adapts to all the constraints of your supply chain, and actively participates in the carbon neutrality of your industrial sites.

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Support you in the certified eco-design of your packaging

A label without adhesive, easily separable, the shrink-sleeve allows an evolution in the choice of primary packaging materials with the most successful recycling channels such as PET, to integrate them into the circular economy flows. Our security and promotional products now include 30% PCR material certified by Recyclass, and will enable you to comply with your commitments and current regulations.

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Equipment for advanced shapes that guarantees performance and optimized energy consumption

The flexibility of our machines allows for the use of various shapes and materials: aerosols, dosing bottles, guns, cans with handles... while guaranteeing performance at high speed. They provide solutions that have been specially developed by our engineers for non-standard sizes, high-density materials, either individually or in packs of two. Their design allows for the optimization of energy consumption and the reduction of the environmental impact of products.

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Shower & Bath
Shower & Bath
Shower & Bath - Valuepack
Sanitary Cleaners
Shampoo & Conditioners
Shower & Bath Products - Value packs
Kitchen & Bathroom
- Multipack
Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaners
Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaners
Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaners
Incent Repelling Products - Value Pack
Incent Repelling Products
Hair Styling
Hair Care
Face Skincare & Moisturizing
Body Care
Dishwashing Products
Body Skincare
Deodorants - Value Pack


Combisteam® FB80 -70

The equipment for the full body decoration of complex shapes' products

Combishrink® MP120 -AI35

Boost your sales by offering bundles with an rPET sleeve

Combishrink® TE150- AI35

For food, home care,personal care and pharmaceutical markets, everything is designed to ensure that tamper evident is visible to the consumer

Multiflexshrink VS TE200 -AI20

Flip top caps capsules: Ensuring turnkey security


Combiskinner LDPET® FB300 -AI80

Accelerate your ecological transition by integrating your PET packaging into the circular economy

Combiskinner LDPET® FB250 -AI58

Enter the circular economy with a machine dedicated to your dry PET packaging

Combisteam LWPET FB500 - AI150

Reduce your carbon footprint with eco-designed equipment and shrink-sleeve labels


Body Care
Deodorant - Value Pack
Dishwashing Products
Hair Stylings
Body Skincare
Face Skincare & Moisturizing
Insect Repellents
Insect Repellents - Value Pack
Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaner
Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaner
Hair Care
Kitchen & Bathroom - MultiPack
Sanitary Cleaners
Shampoos & Conditioners
Shower & Bathroom Cleaners - Value Pack
Shower & Bath Products
Shower & Bath
Shower & Bath
Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaner
Hair Care
Take the first step towards a seamless, premium solution.
Click 'Request Appointment' now, and our experts will be delighted to guide you through the Integ experience.